Solo Exhibitions:
- "Art Holes. High Heel Sisters", installation/video/performance. Trace; Installaction Artspace, Cardiff, U.K.
- ”High Art Franktione”, Installation/performance,
Scandinavian Performance Event, Performance Art in NRW – 2004, Machinenhaus Essen – Produktionsort der Künste, Germany.
- “Never too Much”, performance (3 shows), Black Box - Kilen, The Culturehouse, Stockholm, Sweden.
- “Never too Much”, performance, Black Box, Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA), London, U.K., comissioned by ICA, and at Live Arts Festival in Hull, U.K.
- ”Art Holes. High Heel Sisters”, installation/video/performance, Gallery Lars Bohman Project room, Stockholm, Sweden.
- ”Three pieces by High Heel Sisters at Blunk”, installation/video/performance, Gallery Blunk, Trondheim, Norway.
- "Screaming Mountain",
space.gaze.desire, Den Frie, Copenhagen, Denmark. Curated by Sanne Kofod Olsen.
- "Stand Piece #11", "Stand Piece #12", "Stand Piece #13", Berlin, Germany.
- "The last straw" in
The Human Factor, performance program curated by Roi Vaara, ARS06, Kiasma, Helsinki, Finland.
- "It comes as no surprise", Bastard Theatre Festival, Trondheim, Norway.
- "Fire (Flower, Kiss) walk with me",
Art Parade, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- "Art Holes", Trace; Installaction Artspace, Cardiff, Wales.
- "Stand Piece #10", S:t Davids City Mall, Cardiff, Wales.
- "Stand Piece #9", Essen, Germany.
- "Stand Piece #8", Drottninggatan, Stockholm, Sweden.
- ”Down Up” and ”400 meters Midnight Run in High Heeled”,
La-Bàs_Space Contention Performance Symposium, Gallery August/Nifca, Finland.
- “High Heel Sisters wank off and make power”,
Fylkingen 70 Years Anniversary Festival, Fylkingen New Music and Intermedia Art, Stockholm, Sweden.
- “A united walk across a square” and “Peace Piece” performed at Sergels Torg in connection with the seminar
The artist as an activist held at SAM, The Culturehouse, Stockholm, Sweden.
- "Stand Piece #7", Angel Station, London, U.K.
-"Mix Master Piece", "Peace Piece" and "Climbing Up Ladders Falling Down", in connection to
Artholes. High Heel Sisters, Gallery Lars Bohmann Project room, Stockholm, Sweden.
- "Stand Piece #2-6", performed at five different sites along the red tube line, Stockholm, Sweden.
- "Stand Piece #1", Munkegata, Trondheim, Norway.
- "Cut Piece", "Peace Piece", "Walk Piece" and "Dream Piece" in connection to
Three pieces by High Heel Sisters at Blunk, installation/video/performance, Gallery Blunk, Trondheim, Norway.
Group Exhibitions & Screenings:
- "Screaming Mountain",
Gestures - Performance and Sound Art at Museet for Samtidskunst, Roskilde, Denmark
- "Scream", video screening,
13 Lessons in Performance Art, Top Kino, Vienna, Austria.
- ”Stand Piece #11-#13", video,
6808, Färgfabriken, Stockholm, Sweden
- “Scream”, Film Forms programme
Nature Films, Cinema Sture, Stockholm, Sweden
- ”Scream”, video screening,
Put the light out, erase a line, Studio44, Stockholm, Sweden
- "Stand Piece #11", "Stand Piece #12", "Stand Piece #13", video documentation, exhibition,
Put the light out, erase a line, Studio44, Stockholm, Sweden. Curated by Malin Arnell.
- "Scream" and "Screaming Mountain", installation/video/performance,
space.gaze.desire, Den Frie, Copenhagen, Denmark. Curated by Sanne Kofod Olsen.
- “Shoe Piece”, “Tree Piece”, “Swim Piece” in
Hit The North, video archive, curated by Filmform, Stockholm, Sweden.
- “Shoe Piece”, BLICK 2004, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden.
- “Shoe Piece”, “Tree Piece”, “Swim Piece”, VIDEO ZONE -
The 2nd International Video - Art Biennial in Israel, curated by Anna Linder (catalogue), Tel Aviv, Israel.
- "Best Regards", in
A Living Group portrait, The Royal Academy of Fine Arts 250 years, Charlottenborg Exhibitions space, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- "We Love YOUko" – Hommageparty for Yoko Ono, curated by Anna Efraimsson & Eva Broberg, The Culture house, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Lá-Bas_Space Contentions Performance Symposium, Helsinki, Finland.
- Ladyfest, Malmö, Sweden.
- Women Jubilee – 96 Years, Q The Art Academies Exhibition space, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Feminism 2004, Malmö, Sweden,
- Net Guest Exhibitors at
- Trønderlags utstillningen, County exhibition, selected by a jury, Trøndelag Center for Contemporary Art, Trondheim, Norway.
- The Biennale of Thisted, Denmark.
- “Feminisme gir handlingsrom”, article by Nina Schjønsby, Billedkunst #4/2006, p. 4
- ”Trace: Installaction Artspace”, article by Debra Savage, New Welsch Review, p. 2-4
- ”Varför står ni där? Flytta på er!”, article by Bo Borg, Konstperspektiv, 4/04, p. 32-37
- ”Die Skaninavische Kunst der Handlung”, NRZ, Essen, 15.07.2004
- ”Kvinnokamp med humor som vapen”, article by Malena Rydell, Dagens Nyheter, 14.06.2004
- ”Bilden av feminister är nedvärderande”, article by Erika Strand Berglund, Stockholms Fria Tidning, 04.04.2004
- ”Långbenta systrar går till attack”, review by Anna Ångström, Svenska Dagbladet, 07.03.2004
- ”Inga nya grepp om elvispen”, review by Maria Lind-Garreu, Dagens Nyheter, 07.03.2004
- ”This is Art”, review by Natalia Kazmierska, Expressen, 06.03.2004
- ”Kulturhuset bjuder på det oväntade i vår”, article by Henric Tiselius, 15.03.2004
- ”Långa donnor på höga dojor”, article by Johanna Paulsson, Dagens Nyheter, 03.03.2004
- “Aktionskonst som provocerar”, Kommunalarbetaren, nr 17, 2003
- ”Ju högre klackar desto mer politiskt”, article by Johan Lundh,, 07.09.2003
- ”Kuddkrig på plattan med konstens aktivister”, article by Mårten Arndtzén, Sveriges Radio, 28.08.2003
- ”Dagens aktivister tror inte på utopin” article by Ingela Lind, Dagens Nyheter, 30.08.2003
- ”Fem Frågor”, Annika Nilsson, 27.08.2003
- ”Staden tillbaka - utan våld”, article by Lena Sohl, Aftonbladet, 14.05.2003
- ”Laglös konstvärld”, article by Sonia Hedstrand, Dagens Nyheter, 15.02.2003
- ”Störande systrar”, review by Lena Sohl, Aftonbladet, 09.11.2002
- ”Långa konstnärer ställer ut på Galleri Lars Bohman”, article by Henric Tiselius, 07.11.2003
- “Disturbing Sisters”, article by Lena Sohl, Bang #4/2002
- Performing theory in practise or a new trinity in patriarchy, essay by Johanna Rosenqvist, En blick från sidan - Genusforskning under tre decennier, Linda Fagerström, Maria Nilsson (ed.), DISA/Förlags AB Gondolin, 2006, p. 179-186.
- Trace Installacation Artspace Cardiff 00-05 published by SEREN books, ISBN: 1854114085, edited by André Stitt, 2005.
- "Med motstånd mot förändring", article by Eva Hallin, Art Feminism, Strategies and consequenses in Sweden from the 1970s to the present, catalogue, 2005, p. 156-165.
- VIEW, Feminist Strategies in Danish Visual Art, by Women Down the Pub, p. 91-93 and 228-229.
- Fabrik #1-2/04.
- “This Is Power”, documentary on High Heel Sisters, by Linda Hagberg and Liza Carlefred, 20 min, 2004.
- Sleipnir, Travel Grant Programme for Young Professional Artists in the Nordic Countries
- Danish Art Council, Production Support
- OCA (Office for Contemporary Arts in Norway), International Support
- IASPIS (International Studio Program in Sweden), Support for exhibition abroad
- OCA (Office for Contemporary Arts in Norway), International Support
- Längmannska Kulturfonden
- IASPIS (International Studio Program in Sweden), Support for Exhibition Abroad
- Production Support, Stockholm City Cultural Department
- Danish Arts Council, Support for Exhibition Abroad
- Sleipnir, Travel Grant Programme for Young Professional Artists in the Nordic Countries
- IASPIS (International Studio Program in Sweden) Support for Exhibition Abroad.
- The Norden Association; Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre, residency at Hanaholmen, Finland and travel grant.
- BUS (Association of Visual Artists Copyright)
Other information:
Malin Arnell, Born in Uppsala, Sweden, 1970.
MFA, Konstfack, University Collage of Arts Crafts and Design, Stockholm, 2003
Lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden and Berlin, Germany.
Line S. Karlström, Born in Karlstad, Sweden, 1971.
MFA, Trondheim Academy of Fine Art, 2006
Lives and works in Berlin, Germany.
Anna Linder, Born in Storuman, Sweden, 1967.
Lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden
Karianne Stensland, Born in Bodø, Norway, 1969.
MFA, Trondheim Academy of Fine Art, 2005
Lives and works in Trondheim, Norway.